Zoe McAllister is one of Aboriginal Community Service’s Regional Coordinators, based in Whyalla. Aged Care Coordinators manage a case load of consumers, helping to coordinate and navigate care for Elders, and making the appropriate connections with the appropriate teams. Zoe was kind enough to share some insight about why she does what she does, and living regionally.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Being able to see the improvements in my clients and their families lives when support services get put in place. Some of our Elders have struggled for so long managing alone, or with just family in home and until they get access to their package it can be really hard on them. I feel so rewarded when I see how much our support services, and package coordination helps our Elders everyday lives and supports them to stay safely in home, in community.

What’s something about your job that people wouldn’t expect?

Relationships. Although in this role I don’t do personal care, I feel I’ve built stronger relationships with my clients then I have ever in other roles. Being a main point of contact, main person of support, a friend and extended family member to clients is something that is underrated and unexpected in this role, and it’s what I value most!

What do you like about living in Whyalla?

My family relocated to Whyalla from Oak Valley on the Maralinga Tjarutja Lands when I gave birth to my youngest daughter 16 months ago. We love Whyalla because although it isn’t remote, its still country! We can still go out bush on weekends, go hunting and fishing and camp underneath the stars. Whyalla has the best of both worlds for us!

What kind of person would suit relocating to Whyalla?

Whyalla offers both city and country benefits. Enough support services to accompany any needs, but 10 minutes out of Whyalla you have the benefits of the EP beaches and bush! Someone who enjoys a simple community life! Whyalla is a small enough to know everyone, but big enough to live a private life.

If what Zoe has described about regional life and a career in aged care appealed to you, please keep an eye on our careers page where new positions in ACS are posted. Thank you so much Zoe!

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