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Month: December 2023

Annual Report 2022 – 2023

Excerpt from CEO, Graham Aitken’s report: It is with pleasure that I present this report and I am happy to seethe number of Elders receiving our services continuing to grow.Our
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What sort of aged care is available to First Nations Elders & what is ACS doing to improve it?

Consumers of Aboriginal Community Services can access a range of different aged care funding packages depending on what they are eligible for. This will be decided by My Aged Care
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Over 300 First Nations Elders Gather for ACS Christmas Lunch

325 First Nations Elders came together on the 6th of December for Aboriginal Community Service’s annual Christmas celebration! After the success of our NAIDOC event earlier this year, the Christmas
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Aunty Shirley from the Aboriginal Elders Village speaks to CEO Graham Aitken

First Nations Elders at forefront of National Aged Care Alliance Meeting

The National Aged Care Alliance (NACA) focused in on appropriate care for First Nations Elders at their recent meeting in Adelaide on the 16th of November. Aboriginal Community Services was
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