Message from the CEO
Welcome to our newsletter for 2021, Vol. 16, Issue 1.
Over the past two years we have seen the Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact our operations, and a significant amount of work and effort has been allocated to developing our emergency responses.
The Australian Government Department of Health continues to provide significant information and advice to the aged care sector and we are implementing various responses accordingly.
We have needed to develop different emergency responses for our different programs and locations, however messages around hygiene and social distancing have been the consistent prevention strategy.
The 30th of June 2021 end of Financial year acquittals and program reports have been completed. Our audited financial statements have been completed without qualification and presented at The Aboriginal Elders and Community Care Services Incorporated Annual General Meeting held in November—please see the AGM report in this newsletter.
Unfortunately, we were unable to hold our Adelaide Elders’ Christmas Luncheon this year and we will organise a gathering in the new year depending on COVID-19.
From all ACS Board members and staff, we wish everyone a happy holiday period and look forward to 2022.