Aboriginal Community Services
Supporting the growth of progressive and prosperous Aboriginal Communities
Built on a foundation of respect, self-determination and accountability.
- Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of people who have passed away in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme

Flexible Aged Care

Home Care Packages

Trachoma Elimination Program
Who we are
About ACS
Aboriginal Community Services provides a full continuum of aged care services from basic care to complex high care. We provide aged care services across South Australia in urban, rural and remote locations.
Our locations
APY Lands
Our HCP and Flexible Aged Care APY Lands programs support Elders to maintain their independence at home and in community.

Our locations
Regional South Australia
We support Elders across the state with their aged care supports and services through Home Care Packages.
Our locations
Adelaide Metropolitan
Helping Elders live independently at home, maintain quality of life and to enjoy community and cultural activities across Adelaide.

Our locations
Aboriginal Elders Village
The friendly, supportive staff at the Village keep our residents safe, healthy and entertained with their extensive leisure program.
Latest news
News, events & activities
Contact us
Have a question?
Get in touch
If you are looking for assistance call us on
(08) 8346 9155 or enquire online.