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Providing high quality community and residential aged care services


What we provide

Aboriginal Community Services provides high quality community-based aged care through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and Home Care Packages.  We provide supports and services for Aboriginal Elders to help them live independently at home and enjoy quality of life, community and cultural activities.  

We also offer residential aged care accommodation, care and support at the Aboriginal Elders Village and Tjilpiku Pampaku Ngura.

Our purpose

Aboriginal Community Services supports the growth of progressive and prosperous Aboriginal communities that are built on a foundation of respect, self-determination and accountability.

By empowering individuals, families and communities through choice and control of their needs, we connect our expertise, knowledge, passion, corporate and governance structures to build sustainable programs.

The lives of our clients are enriched through the delivery of culturally appropriate services that are continually improved and represent value for money.

Our Values


Our clients have the right to choice control over their lives



Accepting decisions have consequences


Continuous Improvement

Always seeking ways to do better


Connection to Community

Fostering close connections and maintaining social interaction, interests and activities



Having regards for others feelings, choices, decisions and culture

Sustainability 2


What we do will stand the test of time

Value for Money

Value for Money

Where efficiency and effectiveness are balanced

Honesty and Transparency

Honesty and Transparency

Being open with all the facts

Cultural Integrity

ACS are guided by our obligations and responsibilities in our decision making and activities to maintain, protect, preserve, promote, and adhere to First nations cultural practices, lore and customs.

These obligations and responsibilities underpin our policies, service delivery and practices in the way we conduct ourselves when engaging with the consumers we serve and the communities we operate in. This extends to our business practices and advocacy with our partners, stakeholders and agencies we work with.

Uncle Mulla Sumner during ACS' filming of 'There I Was, Here I Am'

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a national service provider, recognised for cultural and professional integrity and commitment to the self-determination of current and future generations of Aboriginal communities, families and individuals.

To achieve our vision, we have well-trained and a committed workforce and access to a network of state and commonwealth service providers and a range of Aboriginal specific organisations.

Our Board


The Aboriginal Elders and Community Care Services Incorporated Board is made up of community representatives who volunteer their time and expertise to assist our organisation and set strategic directions. With a good mix of community knowledge and aged care experience, the board members provide great business acumen and strong governance experience.


Our services

The lives of our clients are enriched through the delivery of culturally appropriate services that are continuously improved and represent value for money​

Our range of services include a full continuum of aged care services from basic care to complex high residential aged care, as well as outreach services and our Trachoma Education Program.

Our History

Providing community care services to the Aboriginal community for over 30 years

Providing community care services to the Aboriginal community for over 30 years.


Planning for the establishment of the Aboriginal Elders Village commenced.

The Aboriginal Home Care Program and the Aboriginal Elders Village is officially incorporated on 28 July 1995 as “The Aboriginal Elders and Community Care Services Incorporated”.


Aboriginal Elders Village
After six years of extensive consultation, planning and sourcing funds, the Aboriginal Elders Village officially opened on 5 December 1995 by the acting Minister of Human Services and Health, the Honourable Carmen Lawrence.

Aboriginal Home Care
Delivery of services to Elders living in the Adelaide Metropolitan region under the Home and Community Care (HACC) Program.

Aboriginal Home Care established the Client Advisory Group for Elders across Adelaide. The Client Advisory Group aims to support the organisation by providing information and advice to Home Care about the services we deliver, issues affecting our clients and potential improvements that can be achieved.

Our Adelaide Office moved from Brooklyn Park to Bowden.


Our Adelaide Office moved from Bowden to Mile End.

Approved Provider
We became an Approved provider of aged care services meaning we can deliver the higher-level care of Home Care Packages.

Aboriginal Community Care SA
To closer represent our aged care services, we transitioned from Aboriginal Home Care to Aboriginal Community Services SA.

Adelaide Commonwealth Home Support Programme transition from Home and Community Care Program
In accordance with Aged Care Reforms, our Home and Community Care Program transitioned to the new Commonwealth Home Support Programme model for our Adelaide Elders.

Adelaide Home Care Packages
After becoming an Approved Provider in 2014, we saw the introduction of Home Care Packages to our Adelaide services meaning that Elders can access higher levels of services under consumer directed care principles, giving Elders their choice and control of their services.

APY Lands Commonwealth Home Support Programme
Following the success of our tender for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme service provision across the APY Lands, and a detailed and extensive transition place, we commenced services on 1 July 2016 in the communities of Indulkana, Mimili, Fregon, Amata and Pipalyatjara.


Aboriginal Community Services

To better align with our strategic goals and removing the restriction of state borders, the Board elected to change our trading name to Aboriginal Community Services.

APY Lands Home Care Packages
Our service provision across the APY Lands expanded with our first Home Care Package for an APY Lands Elder. This program continues to grow as more Elders transition from CHSP to HCP across the APY Lands.

APY Lands Disability Meal program
Working in collaboration with local disability support services, we commenced utilising our staff and kitchen to provide nutritious meals across our APY Lands communities.


Trachoma Elimination Program

We commenced our Trachoma Elimination Program, focussed on education and support to prevent trachoma across the APY Lands, in the communities of Indulkana, Mimili and Fregon. To assist in the aims of this project, we work closely with Melbourne University Indigenous Eye Health Unit and Nganampa Health.

Dementia and Aged Care Services Fund: Research and Innovation Grant
Over the two-year period of this grant, we run our DACS Project with a view to inform the Aboriginal community of South Australia about the National Aged Care Reforms. Our team provided group presentations and one-on-one support to Elders across South Australia, assisting them in understanding and navigating the aged care system.

Marree Commonwealth Home Support Programme
In conjunction with the Marree community and the Commonwealth Department of Health, the Marree commonwealth Home Support Programme funding agreement was novated to ACS.

Marree Home Care Packages
With the commencement of CHSP services in Marree, we also begun providing HCP services to Marree Elders.

Regional South Australia Home Care Packages
In addition to our Home Care Packages in locations where we were a CHSP provider, we expanded into regional areas and offer HCP services and supports across South Australia.

Coober Pedy Commonwealth Home Support Programme
In conjunction with Umoona Aged Care, their Board, staff, community members and the Commonwealth Department of health, we took over the Coober Pedy Commonwealth Home Support Programme.

Bush Tucker Project
Our APY Lands team commenced our three-year Bush Tucker Project. Elders are taken out of their community and onto country to collect bush tucker.

Support Services to Elders in Urban Settings
Throughout the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, we run a short-term project aimed at supporting Elders who did not receive support services through either CHSP or HCP. The services provided included Welfare Checks, Food Hampers Allied Health Referrals and Advocacy. Elders supported through this project transitioned to other support services, including disability, homelessness and aged care services.

Tjilpiku Pampaku Ngura
Our APY Lands and residential aged care services expanded to include the
Tjilpiku Pampaku Ngura aged care facility as well as community aged care services for Pukatja and surrounding communities.


Our recent events